

今年的圣诞节有点闷, 我爸今天带我们去Pavilion, Sg. Wang, Time square and Lot 10,我们的行程只是从这边走到那一边,过后再从那一边走到这一边,没什么逛,只是拍几张照片就回家了,真的是有点闷。不过,今年的圣诞节庆典没有什么特别,只是在Time Square有请小朋友们来跳舞,在Sg. Wang也没有什么,或许是我们错过了吧!



SPM is the ``horrible'' things for me, scared about it, worried about it, sometimes felt like hated it, but this thing is one part of my life, the bm, bi, mm, mt, sj, bo,fz,km,and bc., is the subject that i had taken for SPM exam. I had creied for my add math because i can't do the paper very well, i had blank almost 5 question at there, this means i truely cannot pass for it T.T

For the other subject such as science subject, i very worried that i can passed it very well and get credit for those science subject. the bio paper i think i had do alot of mistake, the `spermatogenesis' i changed it to `spermatogonis', very stupid to done the such things. I knew it after my friends told me the truth, haiz~

During exam, at the afternoon, my mum also will brought some lunch for me, thanks for my mum, but i felt sad for result and couldn't get the best to let my mum happy, T.T Hope for the others subject i can pass it and credit.






昨天,是我在Classic Home Tuition补习中心最后的一堂课,总觉得有点不舍.当老师告诉我们在SPM要好好的考试时,我发觉老师的声音好像有点沙哑,她说考试期间要好好的准备,不要临时抱佛脚,不要考到烂成绩时,才来后悔.说真的,当时听她说这句话的人也没几个,真替她感到可怜,不过她说的也对,不要等到那时侯才后悔,一定要做好最后的冲刺.后来老师请我们每一个人吃冰淇淋,好开心哦!老师请吃,谁会不开心嘛!你们说呢?当阿Sir进来时,他的手上竟然拿着相机要为我们照相,吓着了我们这一班贪吃的小鬼.之后,阿Sir也请我们这一班吃薄饼和水(不晓得其他班有没有),吃完了之后我们还一起拍照呢!过后,各自祝福对方在SPM考取好成绩后,就回家了.有点闷呵!


My Result

Yesterday, i went to school for the mathematics gerak gempur, those question seems so easy, actually the question and answer had came out in the internet, not fair for those guy who doesn't have internet because they could not search. The result for this trial exam had came out, I get four A in this trial, unbelievable!!! I get four gred A, but for the science subject I get gred D and E, felt very pity. T.T

Today, a lecturer came to my school, told about how to apply for the the oversea university, its help me a lot to apply it, the subject that most important for apply to oversea is bm, bi, add. math, math, physic, chemistry, biologi, history and also moral. Oh my god! Those subject I can't get a good gred very well, no hope..... T.T
Nevermind, just try to improve myself, who knows what can I get in the SPM, ha! ha! ha!


昨天, 我有出席数学考试, 考题看似很容易, 但是考的如何却不知道.明天又有另一个考试,那个科目竟然是高级数学耶,有点害怕及担心.
在昨天,老师有公布我们在今年的预考成绩,我竟然得到四个A耶, 真不敢相信我可以得到,感到好开心哦!呵呵!让我来公布一下吧!
Bahasa Melayu 75
Bahasa Inggeris 48
Bahasa Cina 60
Fizik 49
Kimia 47
Biologi 40
English for science and technology 74
Sejarah 57
Pend. Moral 79
Mathematics 79
Add. Mathematics 51
这就是我的成绩啦!身为理科班学生, 所有科学的科目都考的很差, 呗势啦!希望再接再厉,继续考得更高分.加油! >.<
今天出席的讲座会还满不错的呢!那位讲师让我更清楚明白要考得如何的成绩才能申请上大学,对于理科班的学生一定要考Gred A才能申请去海外的大学,要拿Gred A在国语,道德,历史,化学,物理,生物,高级数学,数学及英文才有资格上海外大学.啊!要上大学多困难,不过机会只留给有准备的人这句话是对的,我赞同温胜光,你说的这一句话!~.~


Gerak gempur Test

Tomorrow have the gerak gempur test, i felt no mood for this test, don't know why..... This happen may be cause by my friends because they say gerak gempur test is not really important, hehe!!
After this month is our spm month(november), i felt worry about the exam, this is the last year of my school life, the last time i sit in my school examination hall, the last time i hold my pencil for the exam...
Ha!ha! yesterday,i told my tuition teacher, after this year, I should went out to find a job for my life, become a mature girl. She just smile and said:" not a bad things, it may be will brilliant your new life." Hope so.......


My exam

I get only two A in my trial exam, i still have three papers that haven't know its mark.
My bm teacher now cuti bersalin, i can't get my paper back yet, i hope there is another A for me in this trial. Although i have two A in this trial exam, but for my science subject, i get low marks -.- haiz~


My trial exam

How is my trial exam mark? Can I get A in all subject?
The answer i can give is don't know because after this one week holiday, i still have exam.
The subject is mathematics and english for science and technology, i'm worried about my mark for this trial exam, it's useful for my matrix, might be i can use it for university or college.
I have to do a lot for this exam, i want to go to university >.<


Prefect Camp

On 2 & 3 May, i went for the prefect camp. That was the most wonderful camp for me.

The 1st day, there are some fasilitator introduce themselves, they are Encik Isma, abg Aniq, abg Ajak, abg Fikri, abg Hasnal, kak Nad, kak Dila and kak Jun. All of them are very kind, good, funny, caring, and the one of the fasilitator are very cool, the guy is abg Aniq and the other one was abg Hasnal who are the guy less talk( I think).

The activity of the camp have explorace fear factor, it was so exciting.The 1st task that we should do is suck the salted egg that haven't been cooked. The 2nd task ate the Holland onion and using my own mouth to passed the worm to other person, it was disgusting, it was the things in my whole life that i never done it before, yucks!!!!!

For the 3rd task, the fasilitator ask us to do was ate the sandwich with the cencalok, budu and belacan. It so salty, all of my group member include me have to ate the salty bread, although the things are so difficult to gulp it, but my group member and me have done very well.

Well done for my group member!!!!

I hope in the future in my life still have the stimulate acti



Oh no!!!!! My results came out already. I only hv three subjects got A, but at the same time I have 2 subjects fail. I'm not very happy about my result, I still need a lot of effort to upgrate my result.

I wanted to go to the university which name TEIKYO UNIVERSITY or the MASTERSKILL COLLEGE, i wanted to be a translater or a nurse, i wanted my dream become true and real!!!!




i heard my sensei say our test will fall on 16 march
Oh my godness!!!!! i hven't read my book yet
everyday, my time was full wif homework only, i don't hv any time 2 read it
I 1 2 started 2day, spend more time 2 read all the book
if not my result will not 'beautiful' 4ever de le
Study hard lar coz chance would only given 4 who had prepare


2day is my 1st day 2 write my new blog
i was veli hapi 2o write more bout myself, my skul things, my frend n others
i hope tat my every story will b kept 4ever.