
PC Fair 2011

Yesterday, me, cy, shen wei, felix n shen wei's sister and his sis's friend, we all went to the PC fair at KLCC.
At there were a lot people attend the PC fair. We went to hall 5 1st, as shen wei and his sister want to bought external hard disk. During they buying their things, I and cy see the things around there. At the lot mostly sold laptop, hard disk and other things.

CY also had bought an external disk with shen wei, she said for backup use, it cost RM179. After that, we went downstairs to hall 3,4,and 5.
At that hall, we went to find my headset, micro SD card, cy's mouse, shen wei's printers ink and others...
Shen wei and his sister were busy, poor Felix became the guard who just only busy take care cy and me, because cy and me always get lost with the team, hahaha....
I still remember that the way I and cy is nearly wanna went out, cy said she wanna ask about the unifi. I think the guys may be thought that we were from foreign country, he speak English to both of us although he was not truly good, poor guy.. Hahahaha...

After bought those things, cy need went to tuition.The rest of us then went to to eat at Old Town. Shen wei's sister was taking a lot of picture at the PC fair and at Old Town.Her's picture was pretty good. I like it.
This are my MP3 and headset, its look pretty with the color black and pink, like it so much.
Me and the CIB Mall toy









1,2,3,4 Go

今天,我参加了一个很棒的狂欢会,我们整个KL区的人都在Putrajaya Convention Centre庆祝我们的狂欢派对。我们开始的时候都是在跳舞,我们有跳很多类型,其中让我最有印象的是Nobody。在那儿我学习怎样与不认识的人一起相处,我们大家一起合力保护我们的`金蛋`,保护我们团队里的人不被别人带走,但是很可惜,最终我还是被别对的人带走了。



SPM Result N My Counter Test

On 11th is the 2009 SPM student result day,which also means is the day that let us go to the heaven and the hell, -.-

Haiz~ tomorrow also is my `hell day` inasmuch as it is my oral counter test, it would take time to remember all the things which include the time, the fees for the student which are tuition at there, T.T

On the thursday is our SPM student take our SPM result day, my boss had ask me about my result , how did i feel now forasmuch as my result is nearly come out, i told her that i don't had any feeling because i had cry it out on the day i exam, now is just a result, it couldn't change anything again, i fell sad or happy is just a moment on that day, so no need to worry about the SPM result again, all the things that I can change it is now i need to work hard on my job and my other test which is on 21 March, it inckude the grammar test, IQ test and some question which is relate with the text.



哈哈!在1月29,30,31号晚上,我去云顶的Ball Night,超级好玩的。 在那里有许多超级补习中心的老师耶!听说是全大马的超级老师都会参加的一个大型化活动。有与我们一起去的老师有Ms. X,Ms. L, Ms. T, Ms. P, Ms. Y, Mr. L和我这位H老师,Ms. X和Ms. L 是我那儿的负责人。

第一天去的时候,我们先在lobby放下我们的行李,再去Theme Park玩海盗船,开始的时候,我都在大喊,像个傻婆那样,后来慢慢地习惯了。过后,我们去拿房卡,把所有的行李放在房里再去玩。这一次,我,Ms. Y,Mr. L和另一间分院的老师一起玩Superman Coaster,超好玩的!但是没多久就要去跳舞了!那就是《千人舞.疯》,在那儿有许多人,听说有达上千人一起参加的一个大型活动哦!不过,上天不作美,跳到一半就下雨了,真扫兴!没办法之下,我只好一个人去避雨,因为在当天我刚好发烧,但是我并没有退缩,还继续和他们一起跳,一起淋雨。但是淋雨过后,我竟然没发烧了!>.< 呵呵!

第二天,我与大伙儿们一起去吃早餐。吃饱了便回房去打造变成公主,我的发型和脸上的妆全都是我的负责人一手包办的。在为我化妆期间,我的负责人不时都会大叫,因为我的眼睫毛太长了,吓到他们。但是在全场的Ball Night上我都没什么看,因为我根本都看不清楚,在我的前面有几位公主和王子挡了我的视线。但在台上的人都会很卖力的表演,再怎么不能看,我也要伸个头出来看个够。那些表演都很特别,大概举办到晚上一点,很夜了。之前听说要公主和王子一起跳舞,我有一点担心因为我的高跟鞋是不符合我的size,真怕会掉出来或踩到王子的脚,但后来还是没有跳的好。~.~




今年的圣诞节有点闷, 我爸今天带我们去Pavilion, Sg. Wang, Time square and Lot 10,我们的行程只是从这边走到那一边,过后再从那一边走到这一边,没什么逛,只是拍几张照片就回家了,真的是有点闷。不过,今年的圣诞节庆典没有什么特别,只是在Time Square有请小朋友们来跳舞,在Sg. Wang也没有什么,或许是我们错过了吧!



SPM is the ``horrible'' things for me, scared about it, worried about it, sometimes felt like hated it, but this thing is one part of my life, the bm, bi, mm, mt, sj, bo,fz,km,and bc., is the subject that i had taken for SPM exam. I had creied for my add math because i can't do the paper very well, i had blank almost 5 question at there, this means i truely cannot pass for it T.T

For the other subject such as science subject, i very worried that i can passed it very well and get credit for those science subject. the bio paper i think i had do alot of mistake, the `spermatogenesis' i changed it to `spermatogonis', very stupid to done the such things. I knew it after my friends told me the truth, haiz~

During exam, at the afternoon, my mum also will brought some lunch for me, thanks for my mum, but i felt sad for result and couldn't get the best to let my mum happy, T.T Hope for the others subject i can pass it and credit.